Cancer Support
Support the whole body through your healing journey. Acupuncture helps to control post-operative pain, improve digestion, reduce nausea and vomiting, improve fatigue, reduce anxiety and increase white blood cell count for those struggling with cancer.
Acupuncture works by directing healing energy to cancerous organs.
By activating acupuncture points, energy flow increases, helping the body balance energy flow. Energetic channels create a complex network connecting every part of the body. It's a systems approach, directing healing energy to specific organ pathology, including those ravaged by cancer.
Support the whole body
Control post-operative pain
Minimize swelling
Improve digestion
Increase white blood cell count
Reduce nausea, vomiting
Improve fatigue
Provide emotional support
Alleviate the side-effects to medication
Achieve a sense of wellbeing and accelerate recovery
Many doctors these days are prescribing acupuncture as part of their treatment plan for their cancer patients. For some patients, the side effects that accompany chemotherapy can be worse than the disease itself.
A number of cancer centers in the U.S., including Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston are integrating acupuncture into their cancer-care programs.